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5 Ways to Be Happier at Work by Kelly Verdi
Stuck in a rut? These simple tips can help you perform better and feel more inspired in and out of the office.
The good old saying goes, “to each his own.” Whether it’s creating a playlist, overspending on a chai soy latte or sneaking in some online shopping, everyone has at least one way of making their work day a little more enjoyable. The fact is, however, is that there are several, easy ways that will not only get you through your day quicker, but may have you feeling happier (and even healthier) long after you leave office life in the dust. Try incorporating these simple tasks into your work week – after all – it is how you spend at least 40 hours of your time.
Are there certain tasks to your day that you absolutely dread? Instead of putting off your least favorite responsibilities for after lunch, prioritize to tackle these duties first. That way, you’ll have more to look forward to for the rest of the day and won’t find yourself struggling to complete the more challenging assignments at the very last minute. Studies also show that work productivity is at its best earlier in the day, so use this statistic to your advantage and remember to eat a balanced breakfast!
For many, the office literally is home away from home. So why not make it feel that way? Surround yourself with framed pictures of loved ones, flowers, candles (as long as they’re not against your office’s policy) or anything else that gives you a warm, cozy feeling. Try sticking some fresh lavender in your pen jar- this miracle plant has amazing therapeutic benefits that can help keep you keep calm and cool as a cucumber throughout the day.
Nobody likes a “hangry” person – that is—the product of being so hungry, you become angry. Keep raw almonds close by for snacking in between meals. They’ll not only curve your appetite and help you stay full, but also have tremendous nutritional value. Loaded with vitamins and minerals, almonds are even considered “brain food” according to a recent article by Dr. David B. Samadi. Their healthy levels of vitamin E have been shown to prevent cognitive decline, boost alertness and preserve memory longer.
Whether you’re constantly on your feet or stuck behind a computer, the power of some thorough stretching at least once a day can do wonders. You’ll release toxins from your muscles and improve blood flow, circulation and even your posture. Your newly relaxed muscles will be thankful for the much-needed attention!
We’ve saved the best for last, probably because it’s the most simple of tasks on our list. Even when you don’t think you could be having a worse day, many experts recommend smiling for at least ten seconds to help dissipate any negative thoughts or feelings. This will help trick your brain into thinking you’re happy, and a warm smile can help spread happiness to others in the process. We like to call this the smile effect.
Kelly Verdi is the Public Relations Manager at Spa Week Media Group. She loves dogs, 80 minute facials and a good blowout worth bragging about.