Saturday, 17 December 2011

Philosophies To Help You Find Happiness

Could finding a new philosophy on life help you find happiness in troubled times?

It's probably too idealistic to expect that we can remain euphorically happy during times of extreme crisis, recession and when external events such as bereavement, illness or the loss of a job suddenly hits us with the impact of a demolition ball.

But despite tragic or difficult circumstances there are strategies that can help us keep sane and enjoying what life has to offer.

We look at 10 non-religious philosophies that may just inspire you to take a more positive approach to finding or maintaining happiness, if not your sanity, through difficult times. Take your pick.

Rather than advocating a free-for-all in lustful actions and gluttony, the epicurean way, as first stated by Greek philosopher Epicurus, is more about advocating "friends, freedom and thought" as a path to happiness.

The main tenets for contentment as stated by Epicurus were a life among friends, a body free from pain and a peaceful mind.

Certainly what separates this attitude from the dreary Protestant work ethic is simply not to feel guilty about wanting to have a good time and seeking pleasure in everything.

The idea being that a fun-seeking person will not only keep them in a positive frame of mind but also cheer up those surrounding them.

One of the greatest gifts the Athenian philosopher gave to the world was that thinking logically about our lives may help us to be more certain about ourselves.

According to Socrates, happiness lies in not worrying about what others think of you. Socrates believed that without confidence, it's unlikely we will make the right choices. Emphasis is placed on not appeasing others too much or being concerned by what people may think.

Cynics might see these traits as being the motivators of the most anti-social citizens but the idea is really to be more independent-minded and positive about the world. Socrates famously died for his beliefs - encouraging us to stand up for our own.

Another Greek philosophy from Zeno of Citium but one that the Victorians had more in common with, although doesn't actually mean you have to act like a corseted stuffy governess.

The teachings of stoicism are about not allowing emotions - especially destructive ones like anger and jealousy - colour decisions, actions and day-to-day living.
Stoicism teaches the development of self-control and in a world of many distractions and temptations that's probably not such a bad thing. Especially when you need to finish putting up that flat-pack wardrobe.

William James
James, considered to be the father of psychology, put emphasis on "giving up pretensions" in order to become a more fulfilled and content human being.

William James believed giving up pretensions and accepting our limitations were essential to finding contentment in life. His view was that there are many things about ourselves that we would like to be true - but that we know deep down we either fall short of or are far from reality.

As long as we cling to them, James could only envisage continuing disappointment and dissatisfaction in our lives. Perhaps Simon Cowell took a leaf out of James' book when he started up X Factor?

Arthur Schopenhauer
The 19th-century German philosopher is probably the closest we'll get to Jack Dee advising us on how to make life tolerable.

Schopenhauer believed that humankind is pretty wretched and driven by basic cravings that make us miserable. His solution to escape every frustration is to accept that choices are not made freely.

But it's not all pessimism. A major tenet of Schopenhauer's life philosophy is escaping self-oppression by immersing oneself in the arts. He suggests developing a passion for music ("the purest form of art") and to seek out sex and love where you can find it, seeing love affairs as "more important than all other aims in man's life". So, no need to feel guilty about watching Mama Mia on DVD, then.

Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin, the philanthropist, scientist and almanac publisher, compiled a compendium of wise aphorisms and practical information about how to live well. His musings made up the first American self-help book.

Good deeds and good humour were Benjamin Franklin's philosophical tenets of choice
Franklin was Confucius with a sense of humour. Classics include "take counsel in wine, but resolve afterwards in water" and "he that lieth down with dogs, shall rise up with flies".

One belief Franklin stood by was that the way to do well in the world was to do good. His mixture of old-fashioned morality and emphasis on self-responsibility would have been a welcome ingredient in our banking system.

Michel de Montaigne
Sixteenth-century French philosopher Michel de Montaigne understood what can make us feel bad about ourselves. He recognised three things that make us unhappy: bodily inadequacy, being judged and intellectual inadequacy - the feeling that we're not as bright as we should be.

For Montaigne, self-loathing is key to self-esteem issues. But he put forward some practical solutions. Montaigne urged people to remember that they're animals: "Kings and philosophers shit and so do ladies," wrote Montaigne, reminding us of our relation to the farmyard.

In a world where society makes judgments on how we dress and eat and our lifestyles, Montaigne suggests that we take a leaf out of the animal kingdom and feel less shameful of who and what we are. Accept ourselves and our limitations with grace and a touch of humour and remember that "even upon the highest throne we are seated on our arses".

Friedrich Nietzsche
He may never have been the kind of guy you'd invite round for a karaoke evening but the wise sage did say some profound truisms on happiness and how best to find it.

Worthwhile achivements come from overcoming hardship, according to Friedrich Nietzsche. Nietzsche, who once said that "there are no facts, only interpretations," advocated hard work and effort as being a key to fulfilment and happiness. His main dictum being that any worthwhile achievements in life come from the experience of overcoming hardship. You only have to watch an episode of Grand Designs to get his point.

Albert Schweitzer
The humanitarian Nobel peace prize winner is the author of one of the most thoughtful and beautifully simplistic statements: "Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful."

Of course, the reality of the employment world, needing stringent qualifications and access to training can throw cold water on such idealism, but Schweitzer's main point is that primarily striving to be successful materialistically isn't the way to find happiness. In other words, don't put off trying to be happy until you've got that status car and des res by the river.

Humanism advocates a philosophy of life inspired by humanity (as opposed to beliefs in divinity) and guided by reason. This can be a tricky one if you're naturally predisposed to preferring the company of furry four-legged creatures and tend to give your charity money to the donkey sanctuary.

According to humanists, the main tenets for a happy and content life are to take responsibility for your actions and base your ethics on the goals of human welfare. Firmly non-religious, the movement is made up of agnostics and atheists.

By Richard Bevan, contributor, MSN Him

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

No More Harmful, Negative Thoughts!‏

This week, we're looking at purging your mind of harmful, negative toxins (or negative thoughts).

Self Respect.

Most of the bad mental toxins have their root cause in a "lack of self respect" -- Buried deep in your subconscious.

The strength and happiness that comes from respecting yourself will AMAZE you... and it's highly infectious.

People all around you will start to feel better as well.

Having strong self respect is SO crucial to your happiness and to releasing your inner power...


1. Treat Yourself With Love and Kindness - Always

You set firm boundaries in your life, you devote time and attention to proper self-care, and you consider your personal time to be a HIGH priority.

Feeling loved and cared for automatically makes you feel more strengthened from within...

2. Expect Fair Treatment From Others Too...

No longer do you find yourself settling for less than you deserve or allowing others to take advantage of you. Instead, a strong level of self-love gives you the
courage to stand up for yourself!

3. Develop a Greater Sense Of Self-Awareness and Self-Knowledge...

Loving and accepting yourself helps you to feel more connected to your authentic self... which inspires confidence and assurance in who you really are.

Just try those few ideas and watch the way things begin to change in your life...


New You Life Coaching

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Abraham-Hicks: The ONLY Thing That Matters To You...!

3 Ways To Instantly Feel Better About Yourself‏

It's about empowering that incredible relationship with "yourself".



If you're ever going to achieve your full and true MUST have an awesome relationship with yourself.

What's more - An awesome relationship with yourself will have a HUGE positive effect on what you "attract" into your life!

Here's 3 Ways to Instantly Feel Better About Yourself Today

1. Forgive yourself!

You can't change the past; you can only change how you respond in the present moment:

What you think of NOW, how you feel NOW and how you act NOW.

Refusal to forgive yourself for something you can't change - keeps you 'paralyzed' from ever moving forward into a better future.

Worse still! It will consume you.

You MUST stop beating yourself up. It's time to "let go of it" and move on.

Forgiving yourself doesn't mean "forgetting" the past.

It means that, despite whatever you've done in the past, you are a good person who deserves to be happy.

2. Praise yourself!

Distinct from both a reward and a treat... praise comes from within.

Identify your good qualities - what you like about yourself, your positive traits.

Recognize your strengths, your talents and abilities.

Honor your accomplishments.

Compliment yourself - and likewise, accept the compliments of others (this is important...)

...Don't shrug them off or wave them off or do whatever you do to dismiss and discount them; that only strengthens your mistaken belief that you don't deserve to be praised.

Say "thank you" politely, and soak in it.

This may feel a little uncomfortable at first, but believe me, it's worth GOLD.

An added 'bonus' of accepting other's compliments with that others will start to see *you* in a different light!

You will come across MUCH more confident, attractive and self-assured.

And you will begin to "attract" this into your reality.

Amazing how this works isn't it? :-)

3. Empower Your Inner-Beliefs!

How you feel about yourself, and the relationship you have with yourself is *ALL* part of the 'inner-beliefs' that are stored in your unconscious.

This mostly happens at a young age - and is selectively reinforced by your experiences as you get older.

It's like a whirlpool... You only 'see' what your subconscious believes is true, and in turn that enforces what your subconscious 'knows' to be true.

...Then you start seeing more and more of what your subconscious believes....and so it goes, on and on.

The easiest way to break this cycle is to change (and uplift!) the "beliefs" you have of yourself ...and of your abilities.


By literally 'reprogramming' your mind with NEW, more self-empowering beliefs that "serve you" to reach your full and real potential in life.

Put these tips into practice today, and watch your Happiness Skyrocket!


Richard A. Luck [NewYouLifeCoaching]

Dr Robert Anthony: Most People Don't Know "How" To Think...‏

Most of us have been taught to follow the crowd. We subscribe to "tribal" thinking, which is the thinking of the masses. It is not easy to break from this type of thinking, or non-thinking. A lot of people find this a huge stumbling block because they believe what social, political, religious and other authority figures have told them is "true".

There is a lot of fear tied up in leaving the tribe. However, you will never experience true freedom or riches unless you learn to think for yourself. But to do this, you must be capable of critical thought - which is something the members of the tribe cannot do.

Put another way - most people don't know how to think. They have been told WHAT to think for so long, they no longer know HOW to think. What's the lesson for you?

I'm convinced that true freedom and riches requires you to think contrary to what the tribe is thinking. And it ALWAYS requires you to question the beliefs you hold. On everything. This is not easy because we are addicted to certainty.

We would rather be certain about our beliefs than face the fact that what we believe may not be "true". But the more you question what the tribe believes the more you will realize that they are hypnotized. You don't have to wait for them to wake up from the trance. You can do it right now!

Monday, 5 December 2011

Dr Robert Anthony: Do you believe this?

Why are so many of us struggling? Because we have forgotten WHO WE ARE.

Who we are is our True and Authentic Self that is always connected and one with Source Energy. On the other hand, who we THINK we are is how we show up in life. If we are struggling we will never be who we are. Let that sink in for a moment.

Who we THINK we are comes from listening to other people rather than listening to ourselves. For a large portion of my life I believed what others told me to believe. I learned early that what other people think of me is more important that what I think of myself. At least this is what I thought.

Living in the Flow and living in abundance is about focusing on WHO YOU ARE and what you can do in this moment. It is not about who you are not, what you cannot do, and what you don't have.

WHO YOU ARE is everything. It is the ONLY thing that really matters because everything hinges on your ability to be yourself and to do that you must become intimately aware of the false beliefs you have about yourself and about the way life works.

When you live in the Flow and in Alignment with Source Energy you know you already have what you need. People who live in the Flow and in Alignment are more than just positive thinkers - they are attraction in action.

They accept life is not always easy and doesn't always follow a straight and convenient path. They let life unfold through them instead of putting their life into a box of expectations.

Your greatness is not dependent upon anything you accomplish. You don't need to prove anything to anyone - even yourself. I am here to tell you one thing - you and everyone that comes in contact with you are already great. To live your greatness, you must know WHO YOU ARE and you must do what you can do in THIS MOMENT. Nothing else is required.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Dr Robert Anthony: Self-improvement is W-R-O-N-G

If you live under the illusion that you are "not enough" you will never see yourself as the Cup. Instead you will see yourself as a crack or a fault in the Cup. Sure we are all flawed in some ways, but this idea that there is something inherently wrong with us is absurd. How did we come to this conclusion? Who is holding the measuring tape? Usually some authority figure, organization or religion that is trying to control us by attacking our self-worth.

It is important to understand the distinction between self-improvement and self-worth. At its very core self-improvement says that we are broken and we need to be fixed. It comes from striving to be something or someone other than who you are.

Self-worth is knowing that you already have everything you need and that you are the person you've been waiting for. There is nothing to reach. There is only BEING and LIVING who you are.

You are worthy because you are one with All That Is. You don't need "self-improvement" because you cannot improve who you are - your Authentic Self.

The goal in life is not to BECOME who you are, but to ACCEPT who you are is enough. Said another way, if where you are today isn't good enough, then nothing you can do or achieve will ever be good enough. You can't be fixed because you are not broken.

Let's go back to the metaphor of the acorn and the oak tree again. The acorn is complete, but it still it is not an oak tree. It contains the BLUEPRINT of the oak tree and by realizing its CAPACITY to be an oak tree on a day-to-day bases, it grows into the fullness of that inherent blueprint. We are like the acorn and each of us has the ability to embrace the perfect blueprint of our greatness.

The ONLY way you can eliminate the feeling that you are "not enough" is to declare RIGHT NOW that you have the CAPACITY for greatness and that you are enough just the way you are and then start to live that on a daily basis.

What is important to remember is we are the Cup. It's a Cup that naturally expands to make room for us to expand.