Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Bob Proctor: Better Safe Than Sorry?

When you were growing up, how often did you hear the words, "It's better to be safe than sorry"? Probably too often, especially when you became aware that most people who played it safe ended up sorry. It is the risk takers who generally end up winners!

How many people do you know who have passed up a magnificent opportunity because they might have had to mortgage their house or quit the job they had held for a number of years. Rather than step out boldly, they stepped back into safety.

Abraham Maslow said you will either step forward into growth or step back into safety. He also advised us if you plan on being anything less than you are capable of being you will probably be unhappy all the days of your life.

I am not suggesting that you become irresponsible, which is quite different from taking risks, although I will agree it is a fine line that separates the two.

The opposite of taking a risk is, of course, playing it safe. The latter would probably be a reasonable way of life for seventy or eighty years if you had a contract to live for a thousand years. Playing it safe is a pretty dull way to live and you end up looking back on your life wondering what would have happened if you had done this or tried that.

People who play it safe are generally not very exciting. In fact, they would probably border on being very boring. On a scale of one to ten as a risk taker, where do you stand?

Add a little spice to your life today and take a risk. Remember, if you play it safe you may end up sorry.

To your success,
Bob Proctor

Dr Robert Anthony: How To Harness Your Point Of Attraction (Now)‏

"When you can embrace all of life, not holding onto anything beyond it's time and not avoiding it once its time has come, you will know the meaning of Freedom." - Unknown

The dictionary defines Freedom as; "The quality or state of being free; the absence of necessity, coercion or constraint in choice or action; liberation from slavery or restraint or from the power of another."

How would you define Freedom for yourself? It strikes me that much of what the Secret of Deliberate Program teaches you is how to set yourself free - free from your stories, free from your past, free from "shoulds", free from need.

I talk repeatedly in the course about choice. You cannot control the circumstances or people around you, but you can always choose how you react to them. Much of what is difficult about difficult situations, is not the situation itself, but how you react to it.

Have you ever made a situation worse by overreacting? What if you had kept from getting knocked off balance by what was happening, would that have changed anything?

The goal of Deliberate Creation is to be able to consciously set your Point of Attraction. That means that how you feel is not dependent upon external circumstances.

It is not dependent upon your mate doing the dishes or your child picking up his room or your friend calling you or who wins the election. Your Point of Attraction is determined solely by you, by what you believe, think,
expect and feel. No one and nothing else is ever to blame - ever. No one makes you unhappy - you do that. No one can make you happy - only you can do that. It's your choice - always.

When you can stay centered and balanced no matter what is going on around you - when you can consciously choose instead of letting circumstance dictate how you feel - then you have got ("groked" for those of you who remember Heinlein's "Stranger in a Strange Land") how to consciously create your life.

I think the quote above sums it up quite eloquently. If we are truly letting all of life in, without judgment, without labels, embracing all of it, not clutching at what is no longer ours nor pushing away what is, then we truly are free.

As you go about your day today see in what ways you can set yourself free.

Truly Caring for Your Success!

Dr. Robert Anthony

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Dr Robert Anthony: How Judgement Robs You Of Success...‏

"It's impossible to hate anyone whose story you know." - H.S. Boylan

We talk a lot, in our work with Personality Filters, about developing compassion, both for yourself and others. We say that when you understand why someone behaves the way they do, then you are more able to feel compassion instead of judgement toward them.

Typically, when we judge someone we are making a whole host of assumptions. Take a simple judgement: "She should be on time". Is that true?

Do you know:

- If something unavoidable occurred to prevent her from being on time?
- What lessons she is learning in her life by being late?
- If being on time is an important standard for her?
- If her inner guidance was keeping her from a certain intersection at a certain time?

The bottom line is that you don't know, you never really know what someone else's path in life involves. Therefore, the answer is always, "No, it's not true". It's just your opinion.

Having compassion does not mean that you have to condone someone's hurtful behavior, but it does mean that you don't judge the person. Now I imagine that some of you are thinking, "What about criminals?" I'm willing to bet that the most heinous crimes are committed by people who had heinous things done to them as
children. Does that excuse or justify their behavior? Definitely not. But if you knew their story, you would feel more compassion for them. We see this in our work in the judicial system, where judges pass judgment on the action of an individual, while remaining compassionate to the person.

Our day to day judgments are typically not of that magnitude. They are mostly about things that we believe other people should be doing based on our own values, standards, wishes or needs. So the next time you find yourself judging someone, take the judgmental thought and ask yourself; Is that true? Can you know with
absolute certainty that it is true? If you're not in that other person's skin the answer has to be - No, it's not true.

Truly Caring for Your Success!

Dr. Robert Anthony

Motivation = FEAR?

"It's alright to have butterflies in your stomach. Just get them to fly in formation." - Dr. Rob Gilbert

The tendency for most people is to get into a comfort zone and build a nice little nest there. The comfort zone is made up of all the thoughts we've had and all the things we've done often enough to feel comfortable thinking or doing them. Anything that threatens to push us out of our nest makes us feel uncomfortable.

"Uncomfortable" is a catchall term that encompasses many emotions; fear, unworthiness, doubt, anger, hurt and distrust, to name a few. Since we have labeled these emotions as "bad", we don't want to feel them and so we crawl back into our nests.

It can be argued that there are really only two human emotions, fear and love and that all other emotions are variations on these two themes. Any negative emotion is a spin-off of fear. Except for rare occasions, most of the fear that we experience is over imagined circumstances or consequences. But, since fear keeps us from doing things, we never really check out the validity of the fear itself. A feedback loop of fear ? not doing ? ignorance ? then back to fear develops.

When something pushes us out of our comfort zone we feel some variation of fear. The bodily sensations that go along with fear are something that we have come to label as "bad" and we want to avoid them at all costs. Let's look at what happens when the body feels fear; adrenaline, glucose and other energy producing chemicals are released into the bloodstream. Our senses actually sharpen when non-essential fears such as, "Did I remember to TiVo Lost?", pop up and we gain an instant ability to focus on the task at hand.

When we are outside of our comfort zone, most of the time, the only thing we are in danger of is learning something new. What is helpful in learning something new? Energy, clarity and the ability to focus - all available to you via your friend, fear.

Now, am I saying that fear is the best motivator? No, but I am saying that you can change the way you look at the sensations that fear produces. Do you realize that, at a somatic level, excitement feels pretty much the same as fear? So what I'm suggesting is that the next time you get pushed out of your comfort zone and you feel the adrenaline of fear, instead of crawling swiftly back into the safety of your nest, change the way you look at it. Choose to experience the sensations of excitement and use the clarity, energy and increased focus at your disposal to say "YES" to the experience and learn something new!

Truly Caring for Your Success!

Dr. Robert Anthony

Friday, 10 February 2012

Dr Robert Anthony: When Was The Last Time You Had A Good Laugh ?‏

"Laughter is an instant vacation!" - Milton Berle

When was the last time you laughed? I'm not talking about a chuckle or a smirk. I'm talking about a good, hard belly laugh. Remember the last time you laughed until you cried - doesn't just the memory of that feel good?

Some statistics tell us that children laugh 300 times a day, adults only 15. Others say children laugh 146 times a day and adults 4. Whatever the actual numbers are, it's clear that we, as adults, are not having much fun! And I'm willing to bet that many adults aren't making the statistical average these days - even as low as it is - especially if they listen to the news and get caught up in negative conversations, of which there are plenty to be had if you succumb.

Laughter is good for the soul and the body. Science tells us that laughing has many health benefits, among them the release of endorphins and decreased blood pressure and stress hormones (70% of diseases are stress-related).

But laughing is not something you should do because it's good for you - it's something you should do because it feels good. Actually, it feels great and it provides an instant connection to the Flow. We know that the Rich Mind Life Strategy course can seem quite serious at times, but recognize that we want you to be light about your life - don't take it so seriously. You can almost always
find humor in a situation if you look for it.

What makes you laugh? Rent it, watch it, read it. Who makes you laugh? Call him, meet her for lunch, play with your kids or your pets. Lighten up - feeling better is just a belly laugh away!

Truly Caring for Your Success!

Dr. Robert Anthony

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Abraham-Hicks: The Process Of Creation - VIDEOS

Dr Robert Anthony: How To Change Your Beliefs...

We live in a belief-driven universe. The beliefs we have, most of which are unconscious, determine what we see. We are interpreting everything around us through the lens of our Personality Filters, which are really our filters of belief. Once we become aware of our filter and beliefs we can change. We will see an abundance of everything we are looking for and realize it was there all along.

Everything you want is available to you, but you won't see it until you turn on the perception that allows you to see it.

Our society is rapidly becoming one of "entitlement" which is the dark side of expectations. I hear some of my clients complaining that they are just as good, talented, knowledgeable or experienced as someone who is very successful in their field. They feel "entitled" to more success and expect that simply by being good at
what they do, they will reap the rewards.

The problem is they are not engaged in the active pursuit of that success. Successful people are fully engaged. They read one new book a week, take classes, experiment, take risks and take action every day.
They don't THINK about getting on the ride. They GET on the ride. They don't THINK of getting in the game, they GET in the game. They don't HOPE for or THINK about expanding their business. They become fully ENGAGED in the process of expanding their business.

You don't do this by just using positive thinking or affirmations like "I know I can". You are not the little engine that could. You are the little engine that DOES!

Truly Caring for Your Success!

Dr. Robert Anthony