Friday 2 March 2012

Dr Robert Anthony: The 4 Letter Word That Kills Your Dreams‏

"I am looking for a lot of men who have an infinite capacity to not know what can't be done." - Henry Ford

"I can believe anything, provided it is incredible." - Oscar Wilde

We have talked often in this course about limiting beliefs and how they hold us back. Much of what we have encouraged you to do is examine and release those limiting beliefs, to silence the voice that says "I can't."

It's the "I can't" voice that, over time, kills your ability and even your desire to dream. Yet many of the marvels of our modern world exist because someone had the audacity to dream, to simply not accept that something could not be done.

Children have vivid imaginations and dream all sorts of fantastic things for themselves. But in our journey to adulthood we adopt false beliefs about ourselves and our abilities. We often end up not only believing we are limited, but we try to convince others of it as well. You have probably heard the expression, "Argue for your limitations and they're yours."

Try not to use your Personality Filters as an excuse for behavior or as an excuse for staying stuck. When you look at your personality and the specific challenges that seem to come up repeatedly for you, be honest, but only in an effort to get you to see and release what blocks you. The focus of your evolution will then be always toward a lighter sense of being, toward a bolder, bigger and more authentic
expression of the unlimited being that you are.

This is an abundant universe of infinite possibilities. If your current circumstances make that difficult to believe, look past them. Imagine a different life, a different world, a different you. Dare to dream. Dream big and crazy and wild. No one has to hear. It's just you imagining, so go ahead. Give it a try. You've got absolutely nothing to lose and so much to gain.

Truly Caring for Your Success!

Dr. Robert Anthony

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