Saturday 21 July 2012

The Mindset Of Success - It's All About Thought Vibration, Not Action!

The time comes when you have read all there is to read and learned everything possible to learn about your chosen field from books and articles and now you are going to have to "wing it".

YOU are going to have to "fly by the seat of your pants". It’s time to launch yourself into thin air, find the turbulence and soar.

Being well armed with knowledge will prevent you from falling from the sky and crashing unceremoniously to earth, but, you are going to have to use all that knowledge, stay focused and passionate, and be willing to accept some setbacks while you succeed by doing the job you really know how to do.

Before you takeoff, be sure you know where you want to go. Write your destination down in one paragraph and keep rewriting it until you are perfectly clear about what you want to achieve.

Check your passion needs to be setting on "full" before you lift off. Success has to be the only thing you can think about or, even, want to think about.

Stay on course. "Quitters never win and winners never quit" is your motto. A lot of people start new online businesses everyday, but few stay the course long enough to succeed. See every problem as an opportunity to learn and not as a reason to quit.

Refuel your passion. When you feel your passion fading, find a way to add fuel to the fire.

Expect turbulence. There will be lots of problems, adversities, and discouragement along the way. Fly around it over it or under it but don’t ever quit.

Go for it - What are you waiting for?



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