Friday 20 May 2011

The Importance Of Positive Self Talk

Did You Watch American Idol Last Night?

Do you watch American Idol?

Whether you do or you don't I'm going to share with you a very interesting success secret that was shared on the show last night.

I'm not sure if you were listening, really listening, though one of the most successful singers of the last 20 years gave you a glimpse into her success mindset.


What's one of the biggest differences between successful people and unsuccessful people?


How we talk to ourselves, what we say to ourselves makes a huge difference in what we achieve. (agree?)

So last night, Beyonce Knowles was a guest mentor on American Idol and here's what happened.

She was helping one of the contestants who was nervous.

Beyonce says, "I'm nervous all the time. I'm even shy in real life." (me paraphrasing)

Follow this here.

She says right before I go onstage I tell myself, "I deserve it. I'm strong. I'm fearless. I'm a diva."


"I deserve it. I'm strong. I'm fearless. I'm a diva."

Then she appears before 15,000 screaming fans at a concert and gives them a performance they all rave about.

What SELF talk that is!

What are you saying to yourself right before important moments in your life or business?

What is one sentence that YOU can say to yourself that would put you in the right frame of mine as well?

Beyonce's is, "I deserve it. I'm strong. I'm fearless. I'm a diva."

Your self talk makes all the difference. Take advantage of it amigo.

Mike Litman
Connect to Success | 37 Club Drive Suite 107 | Jericho, NY 11753

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